Movie Meme
1. The last movie you saw in a theatre, and current-release movie you still want to see.
The last movie I went to in the theater LOTR Return of the King.
What I'm waiting to see is the next Harry Potter movie.
2. The last movie you rented/purchased for home viewing.
I don't rent movies.. I used to buy them and still do but much less due to finances. The last movie I bought was the LOTR Trilogy Limited Edition, and it's EXCELLENT! (In California I used to buy "previously viewed movies".. I'd come home with 4 or 5 bought movies for like 25.00! And I've never had a problem with them. Hard to find a reputable place that does that now.
3. A movie that made you laugh out loud.
Wow, I must be in need of a good comedy.. I can't think of any off hand.
4. A movie that made you cry.
Oh man, there's more then one! But I'll say Rudy. I bawl my eyes out every time!
5. A movie that was a darling of the critics, but you didn't think lived up to the hype.
The last Mission Impossible.
6. A movie that you thought was better than the critics.
There are many in this category. Most are lower budget movies with excellent story lines and little to no special effects. Two examples might be: The Grass Harp

and Cry the Beloved Country. They received little to no hype. The story says it all.
7. Favorite animated movie.
As much as I thought Nemo was too darn cute, I also really like Titan A.E.
8. Favorite Disney Villain.
9. Favorite movie musical.
Again Hmmmm.. possibly a toss up between The King and I

and Sound of Music
10. Favorite movies of all-time (up to five).
Oh sure make the last question "easy"!! (not!) aaagggggghhhh!
1. All Sean Connery movies
2. All Harrison Ford movies
3. LOTR Trilogy
4. All Harry Potter movies
5. To many B&W old movies to begin to name!
Want to play? TAG!.. you're it!
Thanks for playing along DesLily. It is kind of hard to narrow down your choices when you're a movie fiend like us.
I gotta agree with my brother! You see I couldn't stay within the boundries either. I gotta say that I dig Sean Connery films as well...Especially old James Bond...
By the way, thanks for stopping by my blog. I'll be checkin you out more in the future.
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