Shhhhh... it's a secret!
It would seem that PLittle discovered a little secret of mine. He obviously had no doubt in his mind when he commented: Wow! Lilith is you. Indeed, the drawing in the lower post is one I drew of myself in a mirror. Let me explain the why of said drawing.
At times Jess of The Other Invisible posts writers questions and occasionally I respond to them. Not that I am a professional writer mind you, but as many know I have written a fantasy trilogy, basically for myself, since I have no real talent in that area to attempt any sort of publishing. Anyway, in one of her Writers Questions she had asked about hearing your character's voices as you write. Since I know this to be true I responded. What wasn't said in that post was that you get clear visions of what they look like too.
One day a friend and I were chatting in IM and talking about my story. We went so far as to be joking around and she asked, "Hey, when they make it into a movie who will play the characters?" Well, we joked back and forth and I came up with actors I think could be many of my characters, but for the life of me I couldn't come up with a female to play Lilith.
I thought on this from time to time after we talked about it and when I went to draw Lilith I came up with the same "blank" of what she would look like.
I portrayed Lilith in her mid to upper 50's. There lies the problem. Any actress I could come up with that would be the right age looked some ten years younger!! That would not do! Can you imagine a 58 yr old woman without some wrinkles??! Sorry, to say I don't know any! Every name I could come up with has had plastic surgery! Good lord! Don't they make any movies with people in their 50's??!!
Of course they do. But said woman now have to go and use heavy makeup to make them look their age! ARGH! To be honest, there are a few actresses that have avoided the knife but those were older then the character.... so, out of frustration I looked in a mirror (much to my horror) and tried to make a sketch of myself. I, of course did not put in all the wrinkles... which probably means I gave myself a face lift! Hmmm, not bad... it didn't hurt... and it didn't cost me a dime!
PLittle is the first person to look at the drawings and realize it was me ,lol. It could be that no one else saw it because I'm not an artist. (ya think?! lol) But that was a fine observation Paul, it means you really took a serious look at them! (danke!)
Anyway, since Paul did notice that I thought I would tell you the story behind that particular drawing... and now you know.

As a postscript I want to add a response to Barb (Skittles Place) who asked "where's the book?" Sorry to say there is no "book" Barb. I did write a trilogy, as I said before, but they are just on my computer. (and a few backups on cds, and one print out I did for myself, heh.) I only refer to them as books because they meet the criteria in word count for each book. I do have the first six chapters on a web site that I made ages ago and sadly they aren't the last edit that I did. In fact they may well be from the way earlier edits (I must have done 6-7 edits!!). But if you want to fumble thru them you will find the link on my side bar titled "the beginnings of a story". Keep in mind I did edit them a number of times more but, as I am not a professional writer, nor am I an editor!
How do you get a sweet little 80-year-old lady to say the F word?
Get another sweet little 80-year-old lady to yell *BINGO*!
As I was reading this post I could see the actress who should play Lilith in my mind, but for the life of me I can't think of her name!!!
Thanks for the link to "The Beginning." I'll be sure to head over there first chanace I get!
Oh and.. Orlando Bloom. PURRRR :)
Hmm, I was just admiring your handiwork in the drawings. I still think they are very good though. Oh, I got my gif to work on my pc, but after I upload them only the first frame shows for some reason. I also lists it as a png instead of a gif in the HTML code. I gave up and just keep it on my pc for now. Thanks for the help though.
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