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Location: Vero Beach, Florida, United States

My name is Pat and I live in Florida. My skin will never be smooth again and my hair will never see color. I enjoy collecting autographs and playing in Paint Shop Pro.,along with reading and writing. Sometimes, I enjoy myself by doing volunteer "work" helping celebrities at autograph shows. I love animals and at one time I did volunteer work for Tippi Hedren's Shambala Preserve.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


I've been tagged by: to answer 20 questions so here they are:

1. Best memory?...
That's a hard one.. everyone has memories that would be listed as "the best".. like seeing your newborn for the first time, or your wedding each of which fit the criteria. But two others that were so emotion it brought me to tears and so i can never forget them is riding the monorail into Disney for the first time. (yep, I cried) After having been brought up watching Walt Disney himself on tv and then the Mickey Mouse Club.. well, I just never thought I'd ever get to see the place, much like my post of the Grand Canyon. Both very emotional, and unforgettable times to go along with my wedding and seeing my sons each for the first time.

2. Most terrible day? .....
my guess is that i block those memories as best i can.

3. Birth City? ......
New Providence, NJ

4. Favorite thing to do? .....
that could be, getting lost in my writing, or lost in reading a good book, or.. helping a "guest" at an autograph show for the day and getting to hear all the stories the fans have for that person. (addictive and captivating)

5. Hollywood Crush? And why? ...
George Lucas and Harrison Ford..why? You have to ask??? heh.

6. Favorite food? ..
good old pasta and tomato sauce

7. City you want to visit most and why? .....
I'm not big on cities. I like the country better.

8. Fantasy/dream that you want to come true? ....
well, this could be REAL interesting for some people to answer lol.... biggest DREAM would be to have free medical care and medicines for anyone over 60. Biggest FANTASY would be that a character I have in the story i wrote to be real and to know him.

9. Favorite sport? ...
probably watching figure skating

10. How long have you been married? ...
divorced but i was married 26 yrs.

11. Favorite song and why? ......
Unforgettable by Nat King Cole. (although Hot, Hot, Hot always makes me smile and want to dance)

12. Someone you most admire? ....
maybe Oprah, for helping so many people and for making many others happy.

13. Someone you hate and why? ....
I don't think i "hate" anyone. But that doesn't mean I'd want to associate with some. lol

14. Secret crush? (Hollywood doesn't count) ...
can't think of any.

15. One (maybe 2) rule/s you live by? ....
Treat others as you want to be treated.

16. Do you believe in God?...
I think that's up to interpetation.

17. A dark secret (we won't tell)? ...
part of me doesn't care, but the other part would love to see my story in print.

18. Most treasured item and why? ....
i guess my computer, it helps make me feel not so alone.

19. If you could turn back time, what would you do and why? ...
to change something would change the outcome of everything else.. so not sure i'd do anything.

20. Last but certainly not least, what kind of "work" do you do and do you enjoy it?....
Not working. Of the paying jobs i had I did enjoy one. I was a phone Rep. for a computer program called Traffic School To Go. Where i gave information, took credit card payments and helped people thru the program. (it was in CA where you could go to traffic school to remove points from your license) I once helped an 80 yr old woman (her first time getting a ticket and her first time on a computer) thru the program and she was sooo excited having done it lol. Because people heard a real voice that helped them it was all positive and very good feelings of helping someone.

I won't tag anyone.. but if you want to do this please leave me a link so I can read yours.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Pat!

First off I have to say, "You have a clock on your blog ... how nifty is that?!?" I want one. (grin)

I enjoyed reading your answers to the 20 Q's. I can relate to your #4. I love to get lost in reading, or in mine, (or my husband's), writing. Which stands to reason why I chuckled when reading your #8. My "Secret Crush" answer was a fictional character that my husband created in a joint novel we're working on.

Well, thanks for sharing. I enjoyed the read.

Here's a link to my answers on the "20 Q's"

1:17 PM  

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