The BFG...(Big Friendly Giant)
Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: Puffin (August 16, 2007)
ISBN-10: 0142410381

Illustrated by Quentin Blake... Review
Evidently not even Roald Dahl could resist the acronym craze of the early eighties. BFG? Bellowing ferret-faced golfer? Backstabbing fairy godmother? Oh, oh ... Big Friendly Giant! This BFG doesn't seem all that F at first as he creeps down a London street, snatches little Sophie out of her bed, and bounds away with her to giant land. And he's not really all that B when compared with his evil, carnivorous brethren, who bully him for being such an oddball runt. After all, he eats only disgusting snozzcumbers, and while the other Gs are snacking on little boys and girls, he's blowing happy dreams in through their windows. What kind of way is that for a G to behave?The BFG is one of Dahl's most lovable character creations. Whether galloping off with Sophie nestled into the soft skin of his ear to capture dreams as though they were exotic butterflies; speaking his delightful, jumbled, squib-fangled patois; or whizzpopping for the Queen, he leaves an indelible impression of bigheartedness.
My *adopted* son Chris sent me this book. (and I am thankful for such a caring and giving son!) After reading Roald's biography I felt I needed to read more of his books. I had long ago read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and James and the Giant Peach to my sons when they were young. (back in the stone age!)
Had this book been out when they were still young I would have loved to read it to them. It's a great book to read to young children!
I loved the speech that Roald gave to the BFG. It wasn't quite correct and it made it all the funnier because of it. I am after all I am a *human bean*..:o)
The amazon review says it all, I couldn't say more about it.
If you have a young child or if you have a young grandchild this book is for you and you will always be glad that I let you know about it!!
I am guessing that no matter what his life was like (and it wasn't all peaches and creme)for Mr Dahl, that a big part of Roald loved children and loved never quite growing up.
This is a super book. Get it and give it to some child for any reason you can find... they will thank you for it.