The Sea Detective
The Sea Detective by Mark Douglas-Home.
Series: The Sea Detective (Book 1)
Paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: Penguin UK; UK ed. edition (November 5, 2015)
ISBN-10: 1405923563

The first mystery in a truly unique crime series. 'There comes a time when a novel raises the bar for a particular genre, and The Sea Detective does just that for Scottish crime fiction' (Scotsman)
Cal McGill is an Edinburgh-based oceanographer, environmentalist and one-of-a-kind investigator.
Using his knowledge of the waves - ocean currents, prevailing winds, shipping records - McGill can track where objects have come from, or where they've gone. It's a unique skill that can help solve all sorts of mysteries.
Such as when two severed feet wash up miles apart on two different islands off the coast of Scotland. Most strangely, forensic tests reveal that the feet belong to the same body.
As Cal McGill investigates, he unravels a web of corruption, exploitation and violence, which threatens many lives across the globe - very soon including his own...
I liked this book quite a bit! Interesting, different, numerous good characters with good stories to them. Once I hit about half way thru the book it got even better! I spent most of the day (I am not a fast reader) and read the second half of the book all in a few hours.
I also liked that most of the characters are flawed in one way or another and that it took place in Scotland with mention of the Islands off of the coast. Some are real, some are not. The main island in this book is fictitious.
There is a second book by Douglas-Home using the same main character of Cal McGill called The Woman Who Walked into the Sea. That one is next to read.
I would definitely say to anyone who likes mysteries that this is a good one. Fairly short chapters and easy reading.