So Many Times, I just don't get it...
I rarely, if ever, voice my personal thoughts on things... I am breaking that rule, just because I wonder if it's just me who just "doesn't get it" all the time.
Case in fact: Heather Mills
Now, admittedly I never knew who she was until she married Paul McCartney.
My second "knowledge of her" was her divorce from Paul McCartney. (big surprise huh?.. meaning that she'd be in the news for that)
My third "knowledge of her" was in Dancing With the Stars. She did not impress me. False leg or not I didn't feel any pangs of sympathy for her since she was a lucky one and could afford to care for her problem without going without eating like some of us would.

Then she got bounced from Dancing With The Stars and had this to say:
She said her participation on the program "raised a fortune for our charity, and hundreds of thousands of animals' lives will be saved."
Hearing that she was somehow "raising money for a charity" by dancing struck me oddly. I don't know why.. maybe it's because I had an idea of how much money she got from her divorce...
On 21 January 2007, the press announced a settlement between the two, mentioning that Sir Paul would pay £32 million in cash and property to his ex-wife
Now, don't get me wrong. I don't think the wealthy should just give away all their money to charity. After all.. everyone has to live, and she has a long life to live yet.
But it sorta made me laugh. (warped sense of humor) Here's a multimillionaire who could easily give that charity the amount she said she raised and not bat an eye... but did she? (I can't say but I doubt it) Instead, she helped "beg" for money from those of us who live paycheck to paycheck, social security to social security. Those who really CAN'T afford it!
It made me think of others in her financial position who do the same thing... they go out there and say "look how great I am helping raise money for this or that"... KNOWING they are taking it from those who can least afford it.
Is it just me? Or is there something wrong with this picture?
Oh, I realize that many contribute also.. but I also know many who contribute and DON'T use their "celebrity" to ask those of us not wealthy to share what we do have.
Why don't they just get their other "wealthy" friends together and give a big contribution ?... yeah.. now that would make me look at them in a different light!
I guess it just bugs me that someone who couldn't possibly spend the amount of money they have in their own lifetime... to ask those who don't have it to help with money that they don't have to spare, but do it anyway.
This says much about those who do contribute.. but what does it really say about the multimillionaire who only contributes because their financiers say to so they get a tax break?? If they are truly into a certain charity then figure out how to get the big bucks from big businesses and wealthy people!
I have no idea why this struck me today. I guess I just heard her say that they raised alot by her dancing, and my mind just went , "excuse me? whatever the amount you raised thru those of us who are barely making it, I'm sure you could have given them without batting an eye!"... and for some unexplained reason, that thought bothered me.
So.. now that I've gotten that off of my chest... how was your day?
'till next time...
See Feline Friday below...