On Folly Beach
Paperback: 390 pages
Publisher: New American Library;(May 4, 2010)
ISBN-10: 0451229215

Product Description
Folly Beach, South Carolina, has survived despite hurricanes and war. But it's the personal battles of Folly Beach's residents that have left the most scars, and why a young widow has been beckoned there to heal her own...To most people, Folly Beach is simply the last barrier island before reaching the great Atlantic. To some, it's a sanctuary for lost souls, which is why Emmy Hamilton's mother encourages her to buy the local book store, Folly's Finds, hoping it will distract Emmy from the loss of her husband.
Emmy is at first resistant. So much has already changed. But after finding love letters and an image of a beautiful bottle tree in a box of used books from Folly's Finds, she decides to take the plunge. But the seller insists on one condition: Emmy must allow Lulu, the late owner's difficult sister, to continue selling her bottle trees from its back yard.
For the most part Emmy ignores Lulu as she sifts through the love letters, wanting to learn more. But the more she discovers about the letters, the more she understands Lulu. As details of a possible murder and a mysterious disappearance during WWII are revealed, the two women discover that circumstances beyond their control, sixty years apart, have brought them together, here on Folly Beach. And it is here that their war-ravaged hearts can find hope for a second chance...
On Folly Beach.. not to be confused with Laurie R King's book "Folly". How odd is it that I would read two books in close succession with the word Folly in both titles?! Be it as it may , they are not the same book but both protagonists go to an island to maybe help cure each of what's going on in their lives. Oh.. and both are women.
Anyway.. other then I began the book by getting confused as the chapters were all taking place in the same place (Folly Beach) but one story was happening in the 1940's and another in 2009. Once I got my bearings and could keep all of the characters straight as to who was who and when.. then the story got interesting!
In fact it got so interesting my eyes would get blurry from trying to read more then I can! Each time I sat down I picked up the book to read some more!
The writing is light and easy and although you can pretty much guess what's going on before you actually read it, it's still a very enjoyable book !
It has more then one love story to be told and enough hidden secrets to come out to make you not want to put the book down. I am not a great one for love stories but when they are riddled with secrets and maybe even murder.. they do become a lot more interesting!
I would call it a great quick summer read... maybe even something to read at the beach! (bad pun).