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Location: Vero Beach, Florida, United States

My name is Pat and I live in Florida. My skin will never be smooth again and my hair will never see color. I enjoy collecting autographs and playing in Paint Shop Pro.,along with reading and writing. Sometimes, I enjoy myself by doing volunteer "work" helping celebrities at autograph shows. I love animals and at one time I did volunteer work for Tippi Hedren's Shambala Preserve.

Monday, November 30, 2020

The Little Exile


The Little Exile by Jeanette S Arakawa.


  • Paperback : 240 pages
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1611720365




Amazon Review:


After Pearl Harbor, little Marie Mitsui’s typical life of school and playing with friends in San Francisco is upended. Her family and thousands of others of Japanese heritage are under suspicion and forcibly relocated to internment camps far from home. Living conditions in the camps are harsh, but in the end Marie finds freedom and hope for the future. Told from a child’s perspective, The Little Exile deftly conveys Marie’s innocence, wonder, fear, and outrage. This work of autobiographical fiction is based on the author’s own experience as a wartime internee.

Jeanette Arakawa was born in San Francisco in 1932 and was interned in the 1940s at the Rohwer War Relocation Center in Arkansas.


A little learning from the eyes of a 10 year old who's family was interned during the war with Japan. 

This is a story  about the author with some fiction tossed in, but for the most part (with the name changed) it's how she remember her life with her family trying to make it in America and then getting treated like it was her fault.  Can you imagine being 10 yrs old and thinking, because you are "different" you caused a war and now was being treated like a prisoner?

It's a good little book .. and it makes you think.  You might want to pick it up and read it!

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Black Hills

 Black Hills by Dan Simmons.


  • Hardcover : 496 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 9780316006989



Amazon Review

When Paha Sapa, a young Sioux warrior, "counts coup" on General George Armstrong Custer as Custer lies dying on the battlefield at the Little Bighorn, the legendary general's ghost enters him - and his voice will speak to him for the rest of his event-filled life.

Seamlessly weaving together the stories of Paha Sapa, Custer, and the American West, Dan Simmons depicts a tumultuous time in the history of both Native and white Americans. Haunted by Custer's ghost, and also by his ability to see into the memories and futures of legendary men like Sioux war-chief Crazy Horse, Paha Sapa's long life is driven by a dramatic vision he experienced as a boy in his people's sacred Black Hills. In August of 1936, a dynamite worker on the massive Mount Rushmore project, Paha Sapa plans to silence his ghost forever and reclaim his people's legacy-on the very day FDR comes to Mount Rushmore to dedicate the Jefferson face.


Another (older) book by Dan Simmons.  I find I wonder about all the research he did for this book.   Paha Sapa  is Lakota for Black Hills.

This story covers the life of Paha Sapa from a very young child up to and including a man in his 70's.   Young enough to be raised by traditional Lakota  ways , yet lives to work on Mt. Rushmore and his dreams of retaliating the white people for what they have done to their tribe and others.

If you have interest in Native Americans this is a really good book.  Many truths about their life incorporated into a fictional novel.

If you have read any book by Dan Simmons you know what a good writer he is... the choice is yours.

Monday, November 09, 2020

Aoife and Scathach Shadow Twins


Nicholas Flamel: A Lost Story: Aoife and Scathach Shadow Twins by Michael Scott.

Publication date : November 3, 2020
File size : 2681 KB
Publisher : Delacorte Press (November 3, 2020)
Print length : 86 pages

Amazon Review:

Nicholas Flamel appeared in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series—but did you know he really lived? And he might still be alive today! Discover the truth behind Michael Scott’s New York Times bestselling series the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel with “Aoife and Scathach, Shadow Twins,” an ebook original that includes two short stories.

Discover two lost stories from the life of the Shadow Twins, Scathach and Aoife, told now for the first time. . . .
“Aoife of the Shadows”

Lost on a distant Shadowrealm, Aoife is tempted by a crystal skull older than most civilizations. If she worships it, she will be given the power to kill her twin sister, Scathach.

“Scathach the Shadow in the Land of Youth”

The Warrior Maid Scathach is hiding out in a dangerous Shadowrealm, the Land of Youth, and must use all her skills to prevent a war.

This is yet another great novella from Michael Scott.  Stories of two more of his fantastic characters in his series of "The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel"

Read the whole series!
The Alchemyst
The Magician
The Sorceress
The Necromancer
The Warlock
The Enchantress

In the series I loved Scathach and did not know a lot about her twin sister Aoife.  This Novella has 2 stories.  One of Aoife and one of Scathach.   I loved them both!  But, of course this being a Novella, they were way to short!

AS far as I am concerned, Michael Scott can do no wrong when writing about his series of books, and now short stories of many of the characters that were in his books.  He could do the novella's about every single character in the books and I would be happy!

Sometimes I wonder what it is that makes me love a book or not be that thrilled with it.  I think, to me, it has always been the characters and their personalities.  Of course a good story has to go along with them!  Michael's books, and now the novella's has all of that and more.

I wish they would never end!

Thank you Michael Scott, for such wonderful writing and fantastic story telling.  I hope you never stop writing!

(I anxiously await December for: Nicholas and Krampus!)