The Search for the Red Dragon
The Search for the Red Dragon by: James A Owen
Hardcover: 384 pages
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing (January 1, 2008)
ISBN-10: 1416948503

It has been nine years since John, Jack, and Charles had their great adventure in the Archipelago of Dreams and became the Caretakers of the Imaginarium Geographica. Now they have been brought together again to solve a mystery: Someone is kidnapping the children of the Archipelago. And their only clue is a mysterious message delivered by a strange girl with artificial wings: "The Crusade has begun." Worse, they discover that all of the legendary Dragonships have disappeared as well.
The only chance they have to save the world from a centuries-old plot is to seek out the last of the Dragonships -- the Red Dragon -- in a spectacular journey that takes them from Sir James Barrie's Kensington Gardens to the Underneath of the Greek Titans of myth. With friends both familiar and new, they will travel through an extraordinary landscape where history, myth, and fable blend together to tell the oldest story in the world. And along the way, the Caretakers of the Geographica will discover that great deeds alone do not make heroes, and that growing up may be unavoidable...but growing old doesn't have to be.
This is probably the best review I've ever read on a book that I have read... and that's probably because it appears to have been written by the author! So, there's no way I can improve on that!
As book one: Here There Be Dragons, ended we found out who our heroes are ( Charles: Charles Williams/ Jack: C.S. Lewis/ John: J R R Tolkien) book two picks up nine years later, and our heroes continue on to the next exciting adventure in true form. Mr. Owen brings Legends and Myths and Fantasy Figures galore, back to life or references from them to the point you just have to smile as you read along. If you don't have at least some memories pop up from reading this book, I will be greatly surprised!
Once again I have found Mr Owen's writing to be thoroughly enjoyable, found it hard to put down, and with each chapter you are gifted with a piece of his fantastic artwork! You can't ask for much more!
If I had to find something bad to say about this book I would be hard pressed indeed! The only thing "wrong" had nothing to do with Mr. Owen's writing at all..but rather the publishing of it. For whatever reason the glue holding the back cover binding came loose from the pages and now my book sets crooked! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.. someday I will have to replace it, but unfortunately it will have to wait. I am glad the pages didn't loosen or fall out and that I was able to read it all.
I truly enjoyed these books! I know Mr Owen is writing as fast as he can to complete book 3, The Indigo King. I was just at Mr Owen's site and found a wonderful video of an interview of him!!!! He really explains the books so well you really have to see it!! So PLEASE, go to his site, scroll down and on the right hand side under CONNECTIONS, click "James A Owen's Sketchbook and Journal" and it will take you to part one of the interview, with a link to part 2! Hearing about his books from his own lips is worth a lot more than I can say here on my blog.. so please go and see this wonderful interview!