Masterpiece Theater has done it again and obviously, once again, I am last to know it!
Last night I saw that Masterpiece Theater (on PBS) was going to show “Sherlock”.. it said nothing of “who” was in it…nor what it was about. So, since weekend nights on cable, for the most part.. suck, I decided to see what it was about.
Did I expect to see (Khan) Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock?
Did I expect to (Bilbo) Martin Freeman as Watson?
Did I expect (or ever want) a modern day Sherlock Holmes, when the ONLY Sherlock Holmes I ever really liked was the old black and white ones with Basil Rathbone?
Go ahead.. ask!
NO, NO, and NO!!
The episodes I saw were from 2010 so I know I am behind the times, even in America where things don’t show until after they view in England.
But from the way Cumberbatch looked compared to when he was in Star Trek was a bit of a shock. With longer curly hair he looks waaaay tooooo young to be Sherlock! But his acting abilities changed that quickly.
And who knew Bilbo (Freeman) could do anything but fight Spiders?! lol.. he was also excellent as Watson. I have to say the casting is superb and the writing is outstanding!
Never…NEVER.. would I have even considered watching a modern day Sherlock Holmes ! But (if my sis over in England doesn’t mind my borrowing an English expression I’ve heard her utter a number of times…) This show (writing and casting) is bloody brilliant!!!
A “season” for this show consists of 3, 1 1/2 hr episodes. I only saw two as I just couldn’t stay awake. I am hoping that they will show season 2 (3 more episodes) next Saturday .. and then the following week would begin season 3.
What a shame it’s only 3 episodes… It’s beyond my depressed thoughts that for a few weekends (starting this one) that there is actually some fantastic things on Cable, even if it is PBS and not high paid stations! Saturday was Sherlock and tonight (Sunday) is Downton Abbey!!! If this keeps up I will have to move to England to get more then two nights of something good on cable!
Ok.. now that I raved about the show.. and I still cannot believe a modern day Sherlock would be it must have to do with the actors and the scripts ..which I have to say, they DO make me feel like I am watching the “old” Sherlock Holmes.
The Holmes movies that came out a few years ago, sure didn’t do it for me nor our own tv version . But someone across the pond sure got it right!
I can’t say I am a true fan of either Freeman or Cumberbatch just yet. I mean, seriously I only remember seeing Freeman as Bilbo (which I love) and Cumberbatch came to my attention from Star Trek (and I still have a little reservation of him as Khan. Just too many years of remembering Ricardo as Khan) but he won me over by the end of the movie. So they ARE on the fast track to actors I can’t get enough of.
I am thrilled with this new series (new to me) if you haven’t seen it before (and if you HAVE why didn’t you let the rest of us know of it??!!) Be sure to check out Masterpiece Theater on PBS and watch for SHERLOCK. Then post about it ! I’d love to hear your thoughts on the show!
![freeman_zps4afbd244[1] freeman_zps4afbd244[1]](
(just as a off the wall comment here… have any of you ladies noticed Benedict Cumberbatch’s lips?! Gah! to die for! I can’t imagine a woman not wishing they had the same full shaped lips! … the lips don’t help his acting.. but .. hey… got to mention those assets! )