Books at Home/ Venture Forth

Today's choice (and probably most of my choices) will be Shelf Books at Home. Most of these are a small part of my TBR stash. But a few I have read and are "keepers"

Going left to right.. the first book shows no title but it is:
No Name by Wilkie Collins, then
Dull Knifes of Pine Ridge by Joe Starita
Maggie Smith: A Bright and Particular Star by Michael Coveney
Irish Ghost Stories by Michael Scott
Walking the Trail:One Mans Journey Along the Trail of Tears by Jerry Ellis
The Haunted Hotel and other Stories by Wilkie Collins
Mad Monkton and other Stories by Wilkie Collins
Magnificent Desolation by Buzz Aldrin
Who Murdered Chaucer by Terry Jones
(Series) Race of the Dragons/ Secret of the Dragons/Bones of the Dragon by Weis and Hickman
Dutchess of Devonshire by Deborah Mitford
Fried Green Tomatoes by Fannie Flagg
Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee (3rd copy for giving away) by Dee Brown
Waterfalls of the Smokies by Hal Hubbs, Charles Maynard & David Morris
It's strange how you can get certain books and then they sit there for years before you get to it. I'm sure it has to do with my mood and what sort of book do I feel like reading at the time. I go through my books about once a year to see them all and see if I still think I want to read certain books...I don't remember ever getting rid of any...heh. So the TBR pile never seems to shrink!
There are many other reasons books sit for so long.. but eventually I hope to get to them all!
#VentureForth2020 . Enjoy your summer reading!