Until We Meet Again, Belgarath

Enchanter's End Game: 310 pgs.
Well, this took a few days longer to finish than I thought it would.. but that's 'cause I got sick. So sick I didn't want to read. It had something to do with my whole head hurting and being nauseous.. but enough of that... the headache was gone today and I finished the last of the Belgaraid.
But not without a number of tears. (sheesh)
Enchanters' End Game brings about the climax to Garion's long quest to fulfill the Prophecy.
Of course, the question is "which Prophecy"? All along the Mrin Codex has talked about two prophecies, and until it happens no one really knows which one it will be.
After Garion, Belgarath and Silk had taken off (sneaked out) to go and fulfill the prophecy with the God Torak, and after Polgara has the biggest hissy-fit anyone could possibly have, she and Ce'Nedra get down to business of trying to make a diversion for Garion in the form of a war.
Ce'Nedra (finally realizing she loves Garion) rallies the biggest Army possible as they move towards their goal of helping Garion, so that he might get to Torak before he wakens.
What actually happens when they meet Torak is for you to find out when you read the books.
It is the ultimate group of endings to many things in this series.
You don't realize how many things would be left "unfinished" had Mr Eddings not taken his time in making the ending as he did. ... as I said earlier.. I had a few moments of tears, even though this is not the first time I've read these books.
The Belgaraid is one of a handful of series that I reread every so often.. and I'm happy to say.. they never disappoint.
Eddings has written other series, that, although they are good, they don't hold a candle to The Belgaraid. If in your reading, you are character driven, and like fast moving adventure... this set of books is one I'd suggest you try! They surely rank up there with a half dozen or so of my absolute favorites!