Another day..

Ok.. so..wild guess that I over did the DeForest stories.. sorry about that, he's just been on my mind alot lately.. I'm thinking it's because the anniversary of his death is close by.... anyway, I'm still glad i wrote them.
Today I thought I'd show you "before and after" of the rose trellis..
After I took the latest of the roses I was hoping to take a nap, since I don't think I slept more then 2 hrs last night. But for whatever reason, I was (am) wide awake.
So I got back to "editing" of the last book of Kesterwood. It's the shortest of the three, and if you remember i mentioned trying to do this from the last to the first so that it would be somewhat out of context and maybe I'd make some significant changes.
Well, I have been doing 2 chapters a day... or rather 2 days. I read each of the two chapters sometime during the day making changes, then close them up and wait until the next day and do the same thing. The reason behind doing them twice like that is because sometimes when i make some changes I forget things like maybe further in the sentence I need to change a verb or something because of what I changed ahead of it... sounds good anyway huh? heh.
So.. I've reached the last 3 chapters. I don't know what's with me and crying as I read. I don't know if it's because I know what's coming or because they have become so close to me I take on their feelings? I'm pretty sure that's part of it. After all I made them who they are, and how they act... so I darn well know how they would be feeling, even if I don't have the most perfect words to say it.
I feel exhausted though... and this is the shortest book! The other two are longer. I set a pace for myself of reading and fixing 2 chapters a day (even though I repeat it.. it's still 2 chapters i go over). I'm feeling like I can't keep up the pace. I don't have any reason to set a pace, just that I thought if I didn't that I'd begin to procrastinate and not do it at all.
Well, if nothing else, I will take a short break after tomorrow when I do the second reading of the last 3 chapters. On Friday I need to get ready for Saturday. That's the day I am going to the Chiller Con to help Kevin McCarthy. I'm looking forward to seeing him again, I hope he has more stories to tell. The last time I saw him (age 90 and 1/2) he was preparing to do his one man show again in some state which I forget now.. "Give 'em Hell Harry". I wish I could have seen him do th at... he has a good strong theatrical voice yet, which is amazing at, his now age 92!
I hope to get one or two pictures of Jonathan Frakes and Brent Spiner who will be there.. that is if they allow pictures to be taken. I was disappointed that the tv show Threshold was cancelled, because Brent Spiner had a regular part in it. He played a doctor. It wasn't the greatest show but some of the actors held my interest enough to watch it and it was nice to see him each week, like when he was on Star Trek the Next Generation.
I'm also wondering if i did the right thing setting up the other journal for Memes... I thought it would be nice having them all together, but I have the feeling no one feels like opening yet another journal... any thoughts??
Boy, we had a super hot Memorial weekend. It was in the 90's!! I took a few extra baths I was sweating so much, but it didn't help much. I think it's just that it went so high when just before it was in the 60's that my body couldn't handle it. The temps have come down some and will be down more tomorrow (plus rain expected).. I just hope Saturday is a nice day..even if the con is inside the hotel.