Ever since I posted the photo of my brother in costume as "the beast" of Beauty and the Beast, thoughts of another gentleman I have met and had contact with for a number of years came to mind.His name is Roy Dotrice. The reason he's been on my mind lately is because he played the part of "Father" in the old television series Beauty and the Beast. Boy, how I loved the show! (and how I wish it would appear in reruns, but for whatever reason no one has managed to pick it up. It's a shame too because it had a very large and loyal following and I know it would do well in reruns.
Beauty and the Beast Starred Ron Perlman as Vincent (the beast) and Linda Hamilton as beauty. My first contact with Roy (Father) was when I wrote to him for an autograph and "happened to mention the fact that I hoped the beard was really his" ..I happen to like beards) I received a photo back which he signed and noted "the beard is mine!".Some time later Beauty and the Beast conventions began to pop up.

Also, strictly by luck, a charity / celebrity tennis tournament was happening not far from where I live in Florida. Roy's son in law was playing and it was noted in the ad that Roy would also be there. Needless to say.. "I went!". I got to meet and have good talks with Roy and his great wife Kay and took pictures. After that I wrote to Roy and to my surprise he frequently answered my letters. What fun it was corresponding with him!!
I remember (and just reread) a letter he sent me in which he told me that "if you want to see "Father" in an entirely different light, rent Cheech and Chongs Coriscan Brothers". He went on to say I may never speak to him again!.. hmmmm, talk about getting ones curiosity up!
I went and rented the movie, though I was not a Cheech and Chong fan. The movie is hysterical and Roy plays a gay chancellor.. stockings and all! I remember writing back to him after I saw the movie and telling him he was right, that I shouldn't speak to him since it wasn't very nice for a MAN to have nicer legs then I had! hahahaha...

After many letters I got to see Roy a number of times at conventions and each time we had nice talks. He's a very funny man.
A little trivia about Roy.. he and Kay have daughters. One, Karen Dotrice, was a child actress and was the little girl in Mary Poppins! (And is married to Alex Hyde White actor) His other daughter is also an actress, Michelle Dotrice, and is married to "The Equalizer", Edward Woodward.

I wrote to Roy a few months ago, to his old address. The letter didn't come back so I hope he received it. I'm not certain where he lives now, I do know they also have a home in England and they might be there.
I picked just a few of his credits to show because he has such a long list.I hope someday Beauty and the Beast manages to get on the air again.. if you never saw it I can tell you.. you wouldn't easily forget it.
Amadeus (1984)
"Tales from the Darkside" - My Ghostwriter - The Vampire (1987)
"Beauty and the Beast" (1987)
Carmilla (1990)
The Cutting Edge (1992)
Mr. & Mrs. Smith" (1996)
Madigan Men" (2000)
Life Begins" (2004)